An Investigation Into Bahrani's Arguments on the Jurisprudential Blasphemy of Dissident

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Profeesor, Faculty of Islamic Theological Sects, University of Religions and Denominations

2 PhD of Shi'a Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, (Correspondent Author)


Excommunication was first practiced by a radical group called Kharijtes which remarkably harmed society. Later on and throughout the history radical followers of either of Shiites and Sunnis accused each other of blasphemy. Among these people Yusef Bahrani (Deceased. 1186 A.H) also believes in jurisprudential blasphemy of dissident. He uses various arguments to prove his claim. One of the arguments is the emphasis on the narrations as he thinks denote jurisprudential blasphemy of dissident. Using library studies and descriptive-analytical method, this research has tried to raise the narrations that Bahrani has discussed and provide valid response against them. This study shows that none of narrations that Bahrani has referred to; do not denote jurisprudential blasphemy or impurity of dissident. Although some scholars analyzed these narrations and inferred the theological blasphemy of dissident, most of them deduce the purity of adversary.


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