Role of Friday Prayer in the Muslims’ Unity and Sustainable Development of Islamic World

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Profeesor, Faculty of Maaref, Azad University of Baft, (Correspondent Author)

2 Faculty member and director of Islamic Education Department of Bam Institute of Higher Education


The development of science, culture, economics and other matters of any community depend on the cooperation and utilizing the full potential of its human resources. Hence Islam has a special look towards cooperation and community involvement and development and has designed manners to sympathy of thoughts and Muslims’ active present in social assemblies. Friday Prayer is one the special plots in Islam for fulfilling social unity. It is a ritual that indicates cooperation and causes consolidate of communications. It also has the ability to unite Islamic Ummah like rosary beans and results in their progress and development. This paper aims at increasing insight and knowledge about social impacts of Friday Prayer and Increasing improvement of this ritual. It attempts to answer this main question: what role does Friday prayer does have in unity and development of an Islamic society? The method in this article is descriptive - analytical, and method of data collection is librarical.


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