Uri Rubin's Exposition of the Shia's Theory of Appointment Imamate: A Critical Examination

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher, Faculty of Ahl –olBeit Kalam, Institute of Quran and Hadith; Ph.D Candidate in Imamiyye Kalam, University of Quran and Hadith

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Baqir al-uloom


The issue of imamate in Abrahamic faiths led Uri Rubin to regard the authentic knowledge of holy Prophet and Imams as originated from Judeo-Christian sources. Referring to the light creation in imamate through vesāya, Rubin claims that the Shiʿite belief in light creation stems from the beliefs of pre-Islamic jaheliya (age of ignorance) Arabs (enjoying physical characteristics by inheritance) and thus the Shiite scholars proved the immediate succession of Imam Ali as spiritual heritage. Rubin also suggested the theory of the light vesāya on basis of which he claimed that transition of vesāya from Israelite prophets to the Prophet of Islam and Shiite Imams showed that their authentic knowledge originated from the old heritage of Judeo-Christian prophets. Reflecting on the revealed reasons for imamate provides us with the idea that regardless of the hadiths related to the creation out of preexistent light Shiite support the doctrine of Imamate on the basis of explicit revealed text and hold that being created of light is the unique virtues of holy Imams. It is also clearly inferred from holy verses and hadiths that vasiyya is just an evidence for succession of awsiyāʾ (the Appointed to succeed) to the prophet not as a reason for authentic knowledge.


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