A Comparative Study of the Foundations, Sources, and Interpretive Tendencies of Mohammad Hosayn Tabatabai and Mohammad Amin Shenghiti

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Quranic Sciences and Teachings, University of Quranic Sciences and Teachings, Tehran, Iran

2 Learned in Theology (Quran and Hadith), Arak University, Arak, Iran

3 Master's Graduate in Exegesis, University of Quranic Sciences and Teachings, Tehran, Iran


Tabatabai and Shenghiti are contemporary commentators who have written the interpretation of the Quran through the Quran. This research seeks to answer this question: Considering the similar interpretive method of these two commentators, what differences and commonalities are there in the foundations, sources, and interpretive tendencies of Tabatabai and Shenghiti? The data in this writing is collected from library sources and the research method is descriptive-comparative. It seems that regarding the basics, both commentators believe that the Quran is a miracle and immune from distortion. Regarding the comprehensiveness of the Quran, Tabatabai believes that only what is needed for the guidance of mankind is in the Quran, but Shenghiti believes that all sciences, including medicine, geometry, etc. are in the Quran. Unlike Tabatabai, Shenghiti accepts the abrogation of the verse with narration and the abrogation of recitation. Tabatabai uses interpretive narrations as evidence and Shenghiti as an independent source. Common sources of both commentators are tradition, literature, and history, but the way they use these sources is not the same. The common tendency of both commentators is literary and theological, but Tabatabai has a social and philosophical orientation, and Shenghiti has a jurisprudential orientation. Finally, it can be said that these two commentators, despite the same method of interpreting the Quran through the Quran, have many differences in the foundations, sources, tendencies, and interpretation results.


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