Studying the Nature and Meaning of Intellect: Analysis and Critique of Ibn Taymiyyah's View based on Sadra's Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


The most important characteristics of intellect in terms of nature and meaning in the view of Salafism are: 1. Intellect is a kind of instinct 2. Contrary to the view of philosophers who consider intellect to be the essence, it is accident 3. The real meaning of intellect, as stated in the Quran, is heart 4. Intellect has multiple natures. Considering reason as an instinct shows the reduction of the dignity of reason as a source of perception in the eyes of Ibn Taymiyyah and his followers. This is despite the fact that, according to the verses and narrations and the opinions of the great intellectuals, reason has supreme dignity and distinguishes humans from other creatures. But in Mullah Sadra's view, intellect, as the highest level of the human soul, is an independent perceptive faculty and an abstract and immaterial essence. Compared to Ibn Taymiyyah's point of view, Mulla Sadra's view on the semantics and ontology of reason is closer to the meaning of reason that has been emphasized in the verses of the Quran and hadiths.


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